The Bouquet



She was handed the beautiful bouquet and received it gladly – it was just what she wanted, what she had waited for.  Flowers of many colours and yet how they complemented each other – no two the same.  A peachy scented rose, the daffodil heralding spring, the unremarkable forget-me-not and a gerbera pushing itself upwards with its vivid hue and confidence.  She breathed in the scent and delighted in what she had been given.  One flower stood out: the colour was unusual and the shape of the petals unfamiliar.  Curious, she plucked it from the rest and sought to locate it within the pages of her reference books, but nothing was quite the same.  Frustrated by her efforts she visited experts to try and identify the strange but beautiful bloom.  Not one could put a name to it.  She looked and looked and sought to understand, not noticing that little by little the frail flower had wilted.

About hardingsonline

My first career was in the Nuclear Engineering Industry but I took the opportunity for a career break/rethink when my youngest son was born. I worked as a Teaching Assistant for ten years and during the last five of those I completed my teaching qualification part-time whilst working full time and bringing up my two sons. I qualified to teach in 2006 and have worked in two primary schools. I have been a SENCO for five and a half years and I am passionate about making outstanding provision for children with special needs. I am on the senior leadership team and enjoy the resposibility and challenge of this alongside my class teaching. I love being a teacher and retraining was the best career decision I have made. I am always looking to learn and improve what I do in school.
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